Stories Tagged: war crimes

The Complex Legacy of Henry Kissinger: A Controversial Statesman

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a scholar, statesman, and celebrity diplomat who... (1 revisions)

Eliot Higgins: Revolutionizing Investigative Journalism with Open-Source Sleuthing

In the world of investigative journalism, Eliot Higgins has emerged as a trailblazer,... (3 revisions)

The Complex Relationship Between France and Africa: Colonialism, Exploitation, and Growing Resentment

France maintains military bases in several African countries to safeguard its interests, train... (4 revisions)

The Complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Poll Reveals Palestinians' Perception of Hamas and the Challenges of Finding Alternatives to Retaliation

Amira Hass, an Israeli Gaza expert, has undergone a profound transformation in his perception of... (4 revisions)

The Suffering of Julian Assange and Gaza Civilians: Parallels and Western Hypocrisy

The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has raised questions about the legality of... (16 revisions)

Ukrainian-American Organization Demands Immediate FCC Investigation into SpaceX; Citing Musk’s Meddling in Ukraine, Erratic Behavior, and Illegal Drug Use

A Ukrainian-American organization, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), has... (18 revisions)

French Court Sentences Three Senior Syrian Officials to Life Imprisonment for War Crimes

Christian leaders in Britain have asked the UK Government to formally recognize the deaths of... (18 revisions)

The Question of Genocide in Ukraine: Mounting Evidence of Major Violations by Russia

Vladimir Putin's forces have launched around 100 deadly glide bombs and dozens of drones across... (20 revisions)

The Siege of Mariupol: Death, Starvation, and Destruction in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has captured several large... (32 revisions)